Author: Tom
End of the Highway!….Alaska Highway
1422 miles! We drove the whole length of the Alaska Highway from Dawson Creek to Delta Junction! The military built the road in about 9 months and we meandered on it for 9 days! Delta Junction is the official end of the Alaska Highway; but, the unofficial end is Anchorage…….so, off we went! North Pole,…
Alaska!… last
We are finally here and our first stop was Tok, Alaska (on Father’s Day!) where we celebrated with a champagne and pizza party! So, we ended this week in Alaska; but, we started the week in Dawson Creek, BC…, let me catch you up on all the ground we’ve covered this week. The week started…
…..And We are Off…..
The Alaska caravan officially started this past week as we departed Blaine, Washington and headed north across the Canadian border into British Columbia. But, wait, some of you may be wondering what exactly is an RV caravan and how does it operate? As such, our caravan of 25 RVs and 50 people are journeying together…